Chiropractic Pain Management – Effective Solutions For Back and Neck Pain

Chiropractors are highly trained professionals who understand the anatomy of the spine and the body, including its connection to the nervous system. They know that when the spine is out of alignment, the whole system is affected, and that the body’s natural balance and flow are disrupted. They use manual manipulation to manipulate the articulations and soft tissue of the spine, and help restore proper spinal alignment and improve function. They can also treat pain that originates in other areas of the body, such as fibromyalgia, which causes widespread pain in muscles and joints.

For many people, back and neck pain are part of life and a regular trip to the chiropractor can offer effective pain management. Rather than turning to drugs, which can have dangerous side effects, chiropractic treatment can help you avoid opioids and live your best life.

Chronic neck or back pain can make you miss out on work and social activities. If you have been putting up with debilitating pain for too long, it is time to get the help you need. If you have tried everything else, it is worth a visit to the chiropractor for a comprehensive evaluation and customized care plan that may offer lasting relief from your symptoms.

A recent study compared patients with chronic lower back pain (CLBP) and/or cervical neck pain (CNP), who were treated in a primary care setting, to a control group that received non-chiropractic care. Most of the study’s sample was highly educated, non-Hispanic white females who had at least partial insurance coverage for chiropractic. Over 90% of these patients reported high satisfaction with their chiropractic care and very few used narcotics for their pain. For most, avoiding surgery loomed large in their choice to seek chiropractic treatment.

Most of the participants in the study who had CLBP and/or CNP reported having been in pain for years. Some of the most common causes of CLBP and/or CNP were a motor vehicle accident, spondylolisthesis, spondylosis, and kyphosis. Other conditions that can cause pain in the lower back and neck include disc herniations, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoarthritis.

The authors of the study reported that there is an urgent need for better strategies to manage chronic pain in this patient population, and chiropractic offers a valuable alternative to narcotics and surgery. Moreover, patients who receive chiropractic care often report that it is more affordable than medication or other forms of medical care.

If you are dealing with neck or back pain and want to find a long-term solution, call Midtown Family Wellness to schedule your appointment. Midtown Family Wellness takes a holistic approach to pain management and will recommend the right treatment for you. Call today. We accept most major health insurance plans. We look forward to helping you return to your normal, healthy lifestyle.

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